Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!!!!!!

Happy New Year all!!!!!!! I must admit 2008 was a pretty great year! And I'm so excited to see what 2009 brings! My New Years eve was spent working a roping and then cuddling up to a pretty amazing man to watch the ball drop and drink a glass of champagne. Then it was off to bed to get up early in the morning. I was very fortunate in 2008 to discover I was good at,and really enjoy, working ropings! It has provided an opportunity for me take make some extra cash and 2009 seems very promising. I am going to start working for a large roping organization and I couldn't be more excited!!!!!! So I had to wake up early January 1st to work a roping. The day was over pretty quick. I was done by 2:30 and heading over to another roping....this time for fun, food, and relaxation. What a great start to what is going to be a great year!!!!!! I can feel it! Pistol, Stetson and Tater are all doing very well!!!!!

On January 3rd the family, my friend Nicole, and I went to my sisters drag racing banquet. She won a plaque for taking 3rd place in the High School division! I am so proud of her!!!!!

I know...I kinda do things out of order. Christmas was great! My boyfriend had a headstall and spur straps custom made for me (and Pistol). It is soooooo pretty!!!!! My family is all happy and healthy! It was a good end to a good year!

I made some really great friends this year. I may have said it before but as I get older I realize the importance of girl friends, and I am so lucky I have met some great girls I can call friends!

Now I normally don't make new years resolutions....mainly because I just can't stick to them. But I made one this year, I figure it should be easy enough. So far so good! My resloution is to take more pictures (really not a problem) and actually print them up and frame them! It's working so far :)

I'll keep you posted as the year goes on!

Here are some pictures....

Nicole, Me, and Britt in Vegas for the NFR

Pistol ready to come out and play

Tater chillin' with his dog bone

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Newest......

Well it has been a while since I have blogged, so I thought I should catch up. I put Pistol (my new horse, who was once named Popcorn)in training with an amazing barrel racer! She loves him and he has progressed so much in just one month!!!! I think he is going to be amazing, and together we are going to accomplish some goals that I have set for us!

This Friday and next Friday I am off to Las Vegas for the NFR (National Finals Rodeo). I am going to work for Lucchese (quality boot makers) both Saturdays as a boot model. I am super excited, not only because I get to wear an incredible pair of red patent leather boots, but also because I will be in Las Vegas!!!!!! During the NFR!!!!!!! My favorite time to be there:)

Lets see, oh Halloween! I went out with my girlfriends to our favorite place to dance. We went as 3 blind mice. We had a lot of fun!

Most of you know about the fires that were going on. Fortunately they weren't very close to the ranch. We could see it very well from the ranch but not close enough to worry.

We have been all over to watch Throwing 7 play. They are doing amazing and the shows never get boring!!!! Always a ton of energy, they make you want more!!!

Well those are my updates for now. There isn't a whole lot going on, I kinda like it that way! Check out the pictures of whats been going on.

Me and Britt at The California Circuit Finals Rodeo

3 Blind Mice. The masks didn't last long, we couldn't see out of them lol!

The view of the fire from the ranch. This was still pretty early in the night.

Britt, Nicole, Me, and Dad at the Whisky in Hollywood. My dad is so funny!

The girls with my Mom at the Whisky.

Pistol in his pink camo day sheet

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Taters Playday

As many of you know, my animals are my kids. So Tater, my youngest son, had a playday the other day. Ok so it was last month, but anyways, it was a lot of fun watching him run around (and he runs so silly) and play with Leila. He was a little rough at times, but she put him in his place. Enjoy some of the pictures!

Monday, July 7, 2008

My Favorite Poem...Author Unknown

A Gelding Owned By A Girl

She's begun dating a cowboy, so he joins us on our rides. And she says she'll be on my back when they play "Here Comes the Bride."

Her new guy's horse is a Leo Bar, a muscled speedy thing. But I lead the way on every trail, he knows that I am king.

At first glance he had his doubts, about ribbons and a tail in curl, but now he realizes who I am, A gelding owned by a girl.

They ought to have a special prize for horses cursed in this way. The whims that we put up with, the games they like to play.

We live our loyal lives alongside these girls who are our own. From lead lines and kiddie gymkhana, to barrel racing when they're grown.

But there's one thing about a girl that makes it all worthwhile, it's the fact that she'll always think you're grand, and that you have real style.

How did I end up as CEO? I never expected to become, such an important thing as this, the place where I was from.

An auction over six years ago, and a girl looking through the rail, saved me from a
packing plant, and braided these ribbons in my tail.

She had no idea where I came from, imagines I was a champion stud, still thinks I am from time to time, even when I'm covered in mud.

That's how I can put up with the giggles, and allow myself to bow so low, as to nicker when she brings me carrots, and to put up with what she doesn't know.

Next thing there'll be a young' un, moist-reared and pudgy-cheeked, and the old saddle will be stained, by the water they invariably leak.

So laugh if you like at this old nag, go ahead and stare, I'm a gelding owned by a girl, and I've learned not to care.

You try putting up with the doo-dads, take her ineptness if you can, but it would kill any cow pony. who has ever been owned by a man.

Yes I'm a part of a special breed, but I put up with a pearl, and the truth is I kinda like being a gelding owned by a girl.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Throwing 7!!!!!!!

So it's slightly late because I just start blogging, but I would like to give a big fat congratulations to Throwing 7 for their amazing performance at the Ventura Warped Tour!!!!!!!!!! It was a fun-filled day and an experience I will never forget!!!!!
{and for those of you wondering....I'm not a groupie, my cousin is the singer:)}

Welcome Popcorn!!!!!!

I have added a new member to my family! His name is Popcorn:) He is 6 years old and just as sweet as pie!!!!!! I call him my love bug. He is my barrel racing prospect (meaning he hasn't been started on the barrel pattern yet) and I think he's going to be pretty spectacular. He is smart, has great stamina, great speed, and most importantly a great personality! I will definately keep you updated on his progress. I am so excited about this little guy!!!!!!

I prefer to call it "Leaping" on the bandwagon

A few of my friends have tried it, so I thought I would too. This is my first time blogging and I am finding it extremely difficult, especially when the phone wont stop would think I was at work or something!!!! Anyhow, I do have somethings in mind to write, but I would like to figure out how to make my blog spot pretty, and how to load pictures. Any advice would be fabulous!